-Spirit Gun
Yusuke's spirit gun is the first technique in the show we see using Spirit Energy. To use this, Yusuke summons his spirit energy to the tip of his index finger and fires it. At first he can only shoot one, and it's not very powerful, but as he trains, Yusuke learns to fire off multiple Spirit Gun shots that do devastating damage.
-First seen in Episode 5

-Spirit Gun Double
Yusuke's Spirit gun blast's strength are divided up so he can shot multiple shots, in order to counter a larger blast, two spirit gun blasts are required. Hence the attack "Spirit Gun Double."
-First seen in Episode 31

-Shot Gun
The shot gun attack is a technique Yusuke learned training with Genkai. By summoning power to his hand, Yusuke then shoots out several blasts of energy at one or more opponents. The blasts are not as strong as a Spirit Gun blast, but the amount that are shot off make up for it.
-First seen in Episode 14

-Spirit Wave
Instead of gathering his energy into his index finger or his fist like he does for most of his attacks, the Spirit Wave focuses his energy to his whole body. While his attacks may not be as powerful as the concentrated spirit gun, they're still devastating attacks. It can be used as a large blast of energy that's hard to dodge, but weaker than the sprit gun, or used at its full potential when transferred through a punch or a kick at point blank range.
-First seen in Episode 41

-Spirit Wave

-Shunoken Strike of Discipline
One of the five grand techniques of the Reikohado-ken method, this technique asks your heart to pass judgment on your guilt. If your heart is corrupt, your body will be destroyed, if your heart is pure, the purity consumes you and destroys the evil parts of you.
-First seen in Episode 36

-Spirit Wave Orb (Japanese: Reikogyoku "Ball of Spiritual Light")
The source of Genkai's power, it's both part and not a part of Genkai. This orb is transferred to the successor of the Spirit Wave technique and contains enough energy to power a whole city block. Absorption of this is a long and hard task, this orb should not be transferred until the receiver has had at least 11 years of Genkai's Training. The absorption process is complete agony that could last for as long as a few hours or even days on end.
-First seen in Episode 44

-Jagan Tie Curse
This is a basic technique of Hiei's using the power of his Jagan eye. We only see this attack when he is in his transformed stage. This technique is a simple binding technique using 3 rings of energy to hold the opponent still.

-Dragon of the Darkness Flame (Japanese: Ensatsu Kokuryu-ha "Immolating Black Dragon Wave")
The user of this attack uses their spirit energy as bait to summon the Dragon, then the user can send the Dragon at their enemy. The strength of the dragon is so immense, if turned against the summoner, it will swallow them up as well. The force of the attack was so intense, it crippled Hiei's arm the first time he used it.
-First seen in episode 30

-Fist of the Mortal Flame (Japanese: Jao Ensatsu Rengoku-Sho "Jao Immolation Scorch of Purgatory")
Like the Dragon of the Darkness Flame, this technique requires calling upon energy. But this time, instead of luring a flame from the spirit world, it lures it from the mortal world. This attack, while not as powerful as the darkness attack, is still quite powerful. Fist of the Mortal Flame gets the job done when needed.
-First seen in Episode 45

-Double Fist of the Mortal Flame
This attack is pretty much just the First of the Mortal Flame used with two hands, instead of one. This attack also allows for multiple hits, causing a lot more damage.
-First seen in Episode 46

-Sword of the Darkness Flame (Japanese: Jao Ensatsu-Ken "Jao Immolating Sword")
A technique Hiei himself does not like, he considers it "very devoid of any taste or artistry". Instead of using his spirit energy to lure the darkness flame to his arm, he transfers his spirit energy to his sword and uses it to lure the dragon. This provides quite a bit of power, yet still not as strong as the dragon. Since it's not a part of himself, the concept of Hiei being swallowed up by the Darkness Flame is not a threat in this attack.
-First seen in Episode 46

-Rose Whip
By transferring some of his spirit energy into a rose, Kurama can create a whip with thorns powerful enough to cut through any substance.
-First seen in Episode 15

-Rose Whip Lash (Japanese: Kagon Retsuzanshi "Elegant, harsh Limb-Severing Attack")
After creating the Rose Whip and catching an opponent off guard, Kurama then continues with the Rose Whip Lash technique. An attack made up of a series of slashes with the whip, a technique that would shred most opponents to pieces.
-First seen in Episode 15

-Rose Whip Thorn Wheel (Japanese: Fukaenbu-jin "Wind Petal Waltz Configuration")
This technique is used to attack several enemies at once while surrounded. The slashes from the Rose Whip slash opponents in a circular motion. This attack shredded several demons on the boat to hanging neck island.
-First seen in Episode 27

-Death Plant
The death plant is used when Kurama plants a seed in his opponents, the plant is fed through Kurama's energy and blooms upon Kurama speaking the word "die". The blooming of this plant brings an instant death to the victim.
-First seen in Episode 29

Yoko Kurama
-Death Tree
Each branch of this tree has a mouth, and each mouth drips saliva that will melt bones in under a minute, guaranteeing a slow and painful death.
-First seen in Episode 47

-Spirit Sword
The Spirit Sword is a form of materialization, using his ability and a little boost from a part of a wooden sword, Kuwabara was able to channel his spirit energy into the form of a sword. This technique was first used as an accident, but with a little practice, Kuwabara learned to use it without the part of the sword and even how to control its length and shape.
-First seen in Episode 9

-Spirit Sword Length
After a bit of training, Kuwabara learns to control the size of his Spirit Sword, giving him the ability to make it as long or short as he wants.
-First seen in Episode 16

-Spirit Sword Monster Beast Donut
Using his spirit sword and adjusting the link, Kuwabara stabs multiple opponents and links the sword in a circle around something. He called this his Spirit Sword Monster Beast Donut
-First seen in Episode 16

-Double Spirit Sword
This attack is just as the name says, two spirit swords. Kuwabara's sword technique is already pretty bad, but when you give him two swords, it's just horrible. With the two swords though, his blocking chances are increased and chances of hitting are higher, but these swords are much harder to wield.
-First seen in Episode 28

-Serpent Yo Yo's; Short Toss
This attack is as the name suggests, a short toss. Rinku gets near his opponents and flings the Yo Yo's at his enemy. Though there may be some twisting and turning of the Yo Yo's it's still an attack from a fairly close range, hence the name "Short Toss".
-First seen in Episode 28

-Serpent Yo Yo's; Walking the Dog
Well, you all know the Yo Yo Trick "Walking the dog", this is fairly similar. Rinku rolls his Yo Yo's across the ground, but he uses them to pull him along. It's kind of like a lawn mower, these Yo Yo's just mow right over anything in their path. After hitting the target, the Yo Yo's grab the opponent and Rinku pulls the Yo Yo's (And the enemy) back as they pulled him earlier.
-First seem in Episode 28

-Serpent Yo Yo's; Around the World
This technique is started when the opponent is held down by the Yo Yo's, the enemy is then thrown around and slammed into the ground. The way the opponent is thrown resembles a circle, hence the name "Around the World."
-First seen in Episode 28 (Announced in 29)

There is little known about Rinku's version of this technique, he pretty much just forms an orb over the sword wound given to him by Kuwabara after the fight to heal that spot. Whether he can heal others or not is unknown.
-First seen in Episode 29

This is pretty much Roto's only actual technique. His fighting is poor so he resorts to low tricks and deception to win his fights. This is used against Kurama when he threatens to kill Kurama's human mother.
-First seen in Episode 29

-Transformation; Sword
Roto has the ability to form parts of his body into things, how many objects he can form into is unknown. There are two known ones, one of which is a sword. Roto forms a sword extending from his right hand.
-First seen in Episode 29

-Transformation; Button
This is also mentioned in the items section, the button is formed in his left hand and used to send a signal to his brother. This is used in his technique of deception.
-First seen in Episode 29

Zeru's specialty is control over fire, he can form it into a blast or concentrate the energy into an object to cut or melt it.
-First seen in Episode 27

-Heat Absorbtion Blast
This attack is Zeru's strongest seen attack, he creates a large flame and absorbs it into himself. This attack gives him instant fire attacks and increases his power immensely.
-First seen in Episode 30

-Heat Absorption Blast
After absorbing the heat, Zeru can concentrate all the absorbed power into a blast and fire it at an enemy. This blast does a lot of damage and fries the opponent at the same time.
-First seen in Episode 30

-Energy Ball
Similar to Yusuke's Spirit Gun, Chu's energy ball is simply a blast of his spirit energy. Chu has more control over the size and power of his attack though, a large energy ball is the equivalent of Yusuke's Spirit Gun Double.
-First seen in Episode 31

-Angel Blades
This is an attack that appears to have three energy rings that are thrown at the opponent. The trick is that two of the rings are real, the other four are fake. Unless the opponent is very skilled and has high spirit energy, he will see all four instead of only the two real ones.
-First seen in Episode 33

-Grisly Claw
The Grisly Claw is pretty much a bomb of energy, it's just like a ball until impact. Upon impact the energy ball explodes and does quite a bit of damage. When used against the minotaur, it blew off his arm.
-First seen in Episode 33

-Invisible Slash
An invisible javelin is pretty much all this attack is, its shape, length, and easy mobility make it appear to be a slash of spirit energy from the force of his attack. It's actually not much different than Kuwabara's Spirit Sword attack, just invisible.
-First seen in Episode 33

-Makeup of Chains (Japanese: Gokujo No Sho "Gliding of Fetters")
A technique involving drawing chain-like markings on your opponent's arms and legs with makeup. The markings transmit the users spirit energy, making it seem as if the person them self was binding the opponent, restricting all movement of arms or legs.
-First seen in Episode 37

-Makeup of the Seal (Japanese: Nembaku Fuju No Sho "Spellbinding Makeup of Containment")
The Makeup of the Seal is a seal that prevents usage of spirit energy, using the main ingredient of Gama's Makeup, his blood.
-First seen in Episode 37

-Shards of Winter (Japanese: Mateki Sandansha "Magic Whistling Hailstone Bullets")
A long distance attack where Touya gathers energy into his hand and then shoots it at his opponents as shards of ice by blowing on the energy. This attack is very devastating against most foes.
-First seen in Episode 38

-Ice Sword
By summoning his energy and a large amount of cold air and ice, Touya forms a blade of ice around his right hand.
-First seen in Episode 38

-The White Mist (Japanese: Shura Ninjutsu - Hakuen No Kiri "Asura Ninja Technique - Vapor of the White Smoke")
Using his sweat, Bakken covers a large area with a thick mist which only he can see through. This allows for quick, stealthy attacks, but this can be easily be countered by wind.
-First seen in Episode 39

-Tornado Fist (Japanese: Shura Sempu-Ken "Asura Whirlwind Fist")
By focusing energy on his arms, Jin can create a tornado around his arms. The force of the tornado can send the opponent flying if they get anywhere near it. Even if they dodge, the force of the wind is still a threat.
First seen in Episode 40

-Wall of Wind
By forming a tornado of wind around himself, Jin creates a "wall" of wind which deflects spirit energy based attacks, like Yusuke's Spirit Gun.
-First seen in Episode 40

-The Armor of Clay (Japanese: Shura Nendo Toi "Asura Conjured Earth Armor")
This attack uses Risho's mastery of Earth to summon dirt and other materials from the ground to form an armor around him. Giving him an excellent defense and turning his whole body into a weapon.
-First seen in Episode 42

Using the Armor of Clay, Risho uses his body and the momentum from falling from a high distance to hit his opponents with intense force. His armor gets stronger as he adds more dirt and clay to it. The upgrade of it has lots of spikes, giving him a much better offensive attack with it.
-First seen in Episode 42

-Axe-Blade Fist (Japanese: Masakari-Ken "Demon Hunting Foment Attack")
This attack is pretty simple, Makintaro just turns his arm into an axe with the blade where his hand should be. This is a useful attack, if you can hit your opponents.
-First seen in Episode 44

Kuro Momotaro
-Beast Armor: Armor of the Ape (Japanese: Buju Soko: Maen No So "Warrior Beast Armor: Demon Monkey")
This armor is the first of the three seen armors, it is used after Kuro Momotaro cuts himself with Hiei's sword, rendering it useless.
-First seen in Episode 45

-Beast Armor: Armor of the Phoenix (Japanese: Bujo Soko: Machi No So "Warrior Beast Armor: Demon Pheasant Guise")
The Armor of the Phoenix is used to memorize the pain of the Fist of the Mortal Flame technique. Not only does this armor make the Fist of the Mortal Flame attack useless, but it also gives Kuro Momotaro the ability to fly temporarily.
-First seen in Episode 45

-Beast Armor: Armor of the Wolf (Japanese: Buju Soko Maken No So "Warrior Beast Armor Demon Dog Guise")
This armor is the strongest armor seen used by Kuro Momotaro, it was used after Hiei's Double Fist of the Mortal flame for a bit of reassurance and a bit of fun. This vastly improves Kuro Momotaro's strength and gives him some sharp new nails the slice up his opponents with.
-First seen in Episode 46

-Big Arm Bomber (Japanese: Daiwan-kohakusho "Great Arm Hard Explosive Smash")
This technique uses the basic enhancing technique of gathering nearby matter and using it to enhance a muscle. This enhancement provides a quick but effective boost of power.
-First seen in Episode 10

-Banzai missile (Japanese: Zanto-senpugeki "Chopping Throw Whirlwind Attack") Being a master of all types of martial arts, Kibano also knows how to grapple. One of his favorite techniques, is the Banzai Missile. Kibano picks his opponent up and hurls them causing them to spin and crash into the ground.
-First seen in Episode 11

-Shibattou Shining Sword (Japanese: Shinbatto-ryu Koshi-ken "Shinbatto-style Photon Sword")
This technique is a series of several slashes with Musashi's wooden sword.
*EXTRA* Shinbatto-True Unsheathed Sword
-First seen in Episode 10

Rando knows over 99 techniques, we only see 6 though.

-Circles of Inferno (Japanese: Kasho happa-ken "Flaming Palm Blast Technique")
This technique is seen being used by Shorin, Rando's disguise for the Genkai Tournament. By changing the form of his spirit energy, Rando forms a ball of fire in both hands. These do decent damage, can be made quickly after the initial circle of inferno is created, and two can be fired simultaneously.
-First seen in Episode 12

-Sickle and Tornado (Japanese: Zanku Reppu-jin "Cutting Air Windstorm Position"
This technique could be torture on a person who has fought recently. It creates a vacuum of air around an opponent and forces it out violently through cuts in the skin.

-Reduction Spell
Other than the fact that this is one of Rando's stolen techniques from the physics that mastered the Circles of Inferno and that it shrinks the opponent, not much is known about this technique. The technique is preformed with a long yet effective incantation, which goes as follows:

"Ineiraisan inbyotosha
chimimoryo kaichiretsu
zaizen futenshunki..."
"Praise be to shadow,
From he who faces the warrior
Spirits of mountain, forest, river and stone,
All is positioned in readiness
In the wanderer's place atop the mountain...

The incantation is then completed with the yelling of either "Reduction!" or "Restore!".
-First seen in Episode 12

-Energy Threads
The actual name for this technique is unknown, all that is known about it is that it uses the user's spirit energy to bind the opponent. Using just physical strength, they are virtually indestructible.
-First seen in Episode 13

-Summoning (Hate Fish)
Hate Fish are huge and fierce fish that are easy to control if you are the one who summoned them. They can be summoned from the depths of spirit world, but not without a long incantation.
-First seen in Episode 13

Genbu has the ability to disassemble and assemble himself whenever he wants, he uses this ability to break up into several parts and basically throw himself at his opponent. Unless the portion of his brain which controls his reassembling process is messed with, he can reassemble himself easily.
-First seen in Episode 15

-Tiger Scream (Japanese: Meiko shokai-ha "Howling Tiger Shock Wave")
Using the vibrations his voice makes, Byakko destroys molecular bonds, meaning it will destroy anything the blast touches. Byakko uses this to trap people in his lair.
-First seen in Episode 17

-Tiger Claw
This technique creates 4 spikes of energy which are then shot at the opponent.
-First seen in Episode 17

-Ice Dragon (Japanese: Mato torei-ken "Demonic Fighting Icy Spirit Attack")
By using his spirit energy to freeze the air around him, he can encase his opponent in ice, leaving them vulnerable to attack and easy to break.
-First seen in Episode 18

-Storm of Torment (Japanese: Anokku Raijin-ken "Swift Bolt of Darkness Technique")
By using the power of lightning combined with spirit energy, this technique creates its own hybrid of spirit energy and lightning to engulf the victim of the attack in a wall of torture. The odds of escaping from this attack are slim to none. Even if you dodge this technique, the electricity around the ball of lighting/energy is enough to cause great damage, the only way to avoid this attack is to counter it.
-First seen in Episode 19

-The Prism of Seven (Japanese: Ankoku Yorojin "Dark Spectral Siege Formation")
Suzaku uses this technique to create 7 duplicates of himself, all seven are very powerful and all have their own free well.
-First seen in Episode 20

-Prism Storm of Torment (Japanese: Raikukoku Ankoku Raiko-ha "Six Hell's Dark Lightning Wave")
This technique combines the Prism of Seven and the Storm of Torment technique. The seven Suzaku's create bows and arrows of the lightning/spirit energy hybrid and use those to attack an opponent with a very powerful and near impossible to dodge attack.
-First seen in Episode 20

-The Prism of Seven Restoration (Japanese: Ankoku Yorojin "Dark Spectral Siege Formation")
Using the six other Suzaku’s, Suzaku takes their spirit energy and uses it to recover himself and replenish his energy. He then uses the new energy to use the Prism of Seven technique again.
-First seen in Episode 21

-Shichikoku Ankoku Raiko-ha "Seven Hell's Dark Lightning Wave"
This technique was not considered a separate technique when translated into the English dubbed version, there is no subtitle when this attack is used.
-First seen in Episode 21

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