The Dark Tournament is a tournament held every year on hanging neck island, organized by human buisinessmen who earn their fortunes in the depths of the black market. The Humans go for the betting and the demons go to fight or watch the bloodshead. The tournament consists of 16 teams made up of 5 fighters each, each team is also allowed one substitute that can only be used if one of their combatins dies. Every once in a while a "special" team is invited to the dark tournament. The special team is made up of people who have made a reputation in the demon world, if they refuse to partisipate, they and everyone they care about will be killed. The Special team rides a boat filled with several demons to get to the tournament, there's one catch though, only one team on that boat will be accepted as the 16th team.

In the actual fights, the team leaders meet in the center of the ring and discuss battle terms, if both cannot agree, the battles will be no limit one on one battles than end in death or a ten count of being down or out of the ring. Certain battle types seen are a three on three match, a last man standing free for all, or 5 one on one battles. In one case there was a five on one battle against toguro. Certian situations during battles cause a consultation with the committe, the committe decides whether something is a valid decesion, such as battle standards set in the middle of the match or possiblities of someone cheating. Every member of the winning team is allowed one wish to be granted to them.

Normal Stadium:
This staduim is a smaller one that's set up kind of like a baseball stadium. The seats run all around the stadium and the arena is in a small area in the center. The seats are covered by a celing which has an round, open area above the arena. This stadium is used for all but the Semi-Finals and the Finals. Koto is the referee for the matches held here.

Dome Stadium:
This is a much stronger stadium, it has no open areas excluding the entrance and exit. This stadium is used for the Semi-Finals and the Finals. The referee for these matches is Juri. The actual arena for this is the same size, but the spaced area between the arena and the audience is greater. The arena here is busted up during the Finals and is replaced by the one from the Normal Stadium. Not only is this stadium strong, but it also has a reinforcement wall that goes around the outside of the stadium, as well as it's own self-destruct function.

-Team Urameshi

Team Urameshi is the special underdog team of this certian tourament. Due to Yusuke's reputation as a Spirit Detective, a lot of the croud as well as teams wish only for the title of the person who killed Yusuke Urameshi. Even though this team had the odds stacked against them in almost every battle, they still pulled through and ended up winning it in the end.

Leader: Yusuke Urameshi
Owner: Koenma
Trainer: Botan
Fighter: Kurama
Fighter: Hiei
Fighter: Kuabara Kuzuma
Fighter: The Masked Fighter (Genkai)
Substitute: Koenma

1st Battle: Team Urameshi vs. Team Rokuyukai (Winner: Team Urameshi)
-Round 1: Kuwabara vs. Rinku (Winner via Ring out: Rinku)
-Round 2: Kurama vs. Roto (Winner via Death: Kurama)
-Round 3: Hiei vs. Zeru (Winner via Death: Hiei)
-Round 4: Yusuke vs. Chu (Winner via Knive Fight Deathmatch: Yusuke)
2nd Battle: Team Urameshi vs. Dr. Ichigaki Team (Winner: Team Urameshi)
-Round 1: Yusuke, Kuwabara, and the Masked Fighter vs. Yen, Ryo, and Kai (Winner via 10 count: Yusuke, Kuwabara, and the Masked Fighter)
3rd Battle: Team Urameshi vs. Team Masho (Winner: Team Urameshi)
-Round 1: Kurama vs. Gama (Winner via Death: Kurama)
-Round 2: Kurama vs. Touya (Winner via Knockout: Kurama)
-Round 3: Kurama vs. Bakken (Winner via Knockout: Bakken)
-Round 4: Yusuke vs. Bakken (Winner via Knockout/Tencount: Yusuke)
-Round 5: Yusuke vs. Jin (Real winner via Ringout/Knockout: Yusuke OFFICIAL RULING: DOUBLE LOSS)
-Round 6: Kuwabara vs. Risho (Winner via Ringout: Kuwabara)
4th Battle: Team Urameshi vs. Team Uraotogi (Winner: Team Urameshi)
-Round 1: Hiei vs. Makintaro (Winner via Death: Hiei)
-Round 2: Hiei vs. Kuro Momotaro (Winner via Death: Hiei)
-Round 3: Kurama vs. Uraurashima (Winner via Death: Kurama)
-Round 4:
-Round 5:
5th Battle:
-Round 1
-Round 2
-Round 3
-Round 4
-Round 5

-Team Rokuyukai

Team Rokuyukai is the first team that team Urameshi was pitted up against. Team Rokuyukai proved as tough competition for team Urameshi, but in the end lost. The Rokuyukai team was expected to be one of the best teams, they were just unfortunate enough to be matched up against the special team.

Leader: Chu
Owner: Unknown
Trainer: None
Fighter: Rinku
Fighter: Zeru
Fighter: Roto
Fighter: Unknown (Retreats before fighting)
Fighter: Unknown (Retreats before fighting)
Substitute: Chu

1st Battle: Team Rokuyukai vs. Team Urameshi (Winner: Team Urameshi)
-Round 1: Rinku vs. Kuwabara (Winner via Ring out: Rinku)
-Round 2: Roto vs. Kurama (Winner via Death: Kurama)
-Round 3: Zeru vs. Hiei (Winner via Death: Hiei)
-Round 4: Chu vs. Yusuke (Winner via Knive Edge Deathmatch: Yusuke)

The Spirit Warriors (Japanese: Makaikyosenshi "Demon Realm Crazed Warrior Team")

Leader: Topaz
Owner: Unknown
Trainer: None
Fighter: Topaz
Fighter: Dosukoi
Fighter: Gorira
Fighter: Babaki
Fighter: Rugby
Substitute: Gagaki

1st Battle: The Spirit Warriors vs. Team Toguro (Winner: Team Toguro)
-Round 1: Whole Team vs. Toguro (Winner via Death: Toguro)

-Team Toguro

Team Toguro is made of up the two Toguro brothers and two of their worst enemies, who fight beside them for the opportunity to defeat them. Team Toguro won the last tournament and is now expected to win once again. Toguro, wishing for a challange invites Yusuke to the dark tournament with the warning that if he does not partisipate, he and everyone he knows will be killed.

Leader: Toguro
Owner: Sakyo
Fighter: Toguro
Fighter: Elder Toguro
Fighter: Bui
Fighter: Karasu
Substitute: Sakyo

1st Battle: Team Toguro vs. The Spirit Warriors (Winner: Team Toguro)
-Round 1: Toguro vs. Whole Team (Winner via Death: Toguro)
2nd Battle:
-Round 1:
-Round 2:
-Round 3:
-Round 4:
-Round 5:
3rd Battle:
-Round 1:
-Round 2:
-Round 3:
-Round 4:
-Round 5:
4th Battle:
-Round 1:
-Round 2:
-Round 3:
-Round 4:
-Round 5:

-Team Masho (Japanese: Mashotsukai Team "Messengers of Malevolence Team")

Team Masho is actually called The Shinobi of the Spirit World (Japanese: Demon Realm Ninja "Spectors of Asura"), they just use the name "team Masho" for the tournament. Three of the Shinobi are noble and two are very deceitful and low in standards for themselves. Team Masho poses a good threat to Team Urameshi and ends up coming pretty close to winning in the end. These shinobi fight hard for their goal of winning the dark tournament, and Hanging Neck Island as their prize.

Leader: Risho
Owner: Butajiri
Trainer: None
Fighter: Jin
Fighter: Gama
Fighter: Touya
Fighter: Bakken
Fighter: Risho
Substitute: None

1st Battle: Team Masho vs ??? (Winner: Team Masho)
-No information is known about this battle other than the winning team-
2nd Battle: Team Masho vs. Team Urameshi (Winner: Team Urameshi)
-Round 1: Gama vs. Kurama (Winner via Death: Kurama)
-Round 2: Touya vs. Kurama (Winner via Knockout: Kurama)
-Round 3: Bakken vs. Kurama (Winner via Knockout: Bakken)
-Round 4: Bakken vs. Yusuke (Winner via Knockout/Tencount: Yusuke)
-Round 5: Jin vs. Yusuke (Real winner via Ringout/Knockout: Yusuke OFFICIAL RULING: DOUBLE LOSS)
-Round 6: Risho vs. Kuwabara (Winner via Ringout: Kuwabara)

-Dr. Ichigaki Team
Dr. Ichigaki's team consists of humans he possessed through usage of the Varruka, the battle before the fight against Yusuke ends with nothing but decapitations, quick and very amazing fights. During the fight between Team Urameshi and Dr. Ichigaki's team, victory for Dr. Ichigaki is calculated at 99.95%, but after making Yusuke mad, the percentage decreases to 52.725%.

Leader: Dr. Ichigaki
Owner: Dr. Ichigaki
Trainer: None
Fighter: M1 (Yen)
Fighter: M2 (Ryo)
Fighter: M3 (Kai)
Fighter: Unknown
Fighter: Unknown
Substitute: None

1st Battle: Dr. Ichigaki Team vs. Unknown Team (Winner: Dr. Ichigaki Team)
-Round 1: Unknown (Victory for Dr. Ichigaki Team)
-Round 2: Unknown (Victory for Dr. Ichigaki Team)
-Round 3: Brown Haired one vs. Unknown (Winner via Decapitation: Brown haird one)
2nd Battle: Dr. Ichigaki Team vs. Team Urameshi (Winner: Team Urameshi)
-Round 1: Yen, Ryo, and Kai vs. Yusuke, Kuwabara, and The Masked Fighter (Winner via 10 count: Yusuke, Kuwabara, and The Masked Fighter)

-Team Uraotogi

Trainer: None
Fighter: Makintaro
Fighter: Kuro Momotaro

1st Battle: Unknown
2nd Battle: Unknown
3rd Battle: Team Uraotogi vs. Team Gokkai Six (Winner: Team Uraotogi)
Round 1: Kuro Momotaro vs. Unknown Fighter (Winner via Death: Kuro Momotaro)
Round 2: Makintaro vs. Unknown Fighter (Winner via Death: Makintaro)
Round 3: Leader vs. Unknown Fighter (Winner via Death: Leader)
4th Battle: Team Uraotogi vs. Team Urameshi (Winner: Team Urameshi)
Round 1: Makintaro vs. Hiei (Winner via Death: Hiei)
Round 2: Kuro Momotaro vs. Hiei (Winner via Death: Hiei)
Round 3: Uraurashima vs. Kurama (Winner via Death: Kurama)
Round 4:
Round 5:

-Team Gokkai Six

Leader: Unknown
Owner: Unknown
Trainer: None
Fighter: Unknown
Fighter: Unknown
Fighter: Unknown
Fighter: Unknown
Fighter: Unknown
Substitute: Unknown

1st Battle: Unknown
2nd Battle: Unknown
3rd Battle: Team Uraotogi vs. Team Gokkai Six (Winner: Team Uraotogi)
Round 1: Unknown Fighter vs. Kuro Momotaro (Winner via Death: Kuro Momotaro)
Round 2: Unknown Fighter vs. Makintaro (Winner via Death: Makintaro)
Round 3: Unknown Fighter vs. Leader (Winner via Death: Leader)

-Team Gorenja

Leader: Unknown
Owner: Unknown
Trainer: None
Fighter: Unknown
Fighter: Unknown
Fighter: Unknown
Fighter: Unknown
Fighter: Unknown
Substitute: Unknown

1st Battle: Unknown
2nd Battle: Unknown
3rd Battle: Team Gorenja vs. Team Kido
Round 1: Pink haired Fighter vs. Unknown (Winner via Death: Pink)
Round 2: Dark Haired Fighter vs. Unknown (Winner via Death: Dark)
Round 3:

-Team Kido

Leader: Unknown
Owner: Unknown
Trainer: None
Fighter: Unknown
Fighter: Unknown
Fighter: Unknown
Fighter: Unknown
Fighter: Unknown
Substitute: Unknown

1st Battle: Unknown
2nd Battle: Unknown
3rd Battle: Team Gorenja vs. Team Kido
Round 1: Unkown vs. Pink Haired Fighter (Winner via Death: Pink)
Round 2: Unkown vs. Dark Haired Fighter (Winner via Death: Dark)
Round 3:!
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