[ Burntcookies.net - Anime - Hellsing
Alucard's Vampiric Ablilities
Every vampire story has it's own uniqueness to it. But Alucard isn't your ordinary vampire, here are some of the reason's why.

Vampires just wouldn't be the same if they couldn't heal themselves, the ones is this anime/manga can recover from just about anything, except silver and blessed items.

This is similar to healing, except this is the recovery of a much deadlier blow. The ablilty to regenerate for some vampires means true immortality, being able to recover from nearly all fatalitys.

Transformation: Bats
What would vampires be without bats? Well, these vampires don't just turn into one bats, they turn into several, be it for easy transportation or regeneration.

Transformation: Mist
This is very similar to the bat transformation, at least in uses. It's mostly seen for quick regeneration and during healings.

Transformation: Dog
This is a screwed up technique... Alucard basically turns black and becomes covered in eyes, he forms into a dog with some very powerful tactics. This is pretty much Alucard's ultimate tactic.

Super Strength
Almost all super-natural creatures need super strength, but these vampires are in most cases strong enough to effortlessly shove their entire arm through their enemy. It seems to be one of Alucard's favorite tactics.

Night Vision
Vampires are after all pretrty much creatures of the night, but that would be pretty much useless without the ability to see in the night. In the dead of night, they can see as if it were mid day.

Not only can these vampires see in the dark, but they can spot something from over a kilometer away!

This is seen during the communication between Alucard and the Police Girl, they can talk to eachother through thought.

Super Speed
This speed may not be too fast compared to what's seen in many other animes/mangas, but some of the vampires in this one can get to a kilometer away in just a few seconds.
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